[vc_row enabletitle=”st2″ theside_sec_title=”INTERIOR DESIGN” theside_sec_number=”1″ theside_sec_dectiption=”EAch space we create will tell its own story”][vc_column][wr_vc_imagecons list_info_enable=”st2″ con_sec_enable=”st2″ content_main=”The design services include all the necessary steps for a complete project, from measurements, to the technical project and the estimate for all the elements of the project.
Depending on the complexity of the project, the state of the space, but also depending on the collaboration with the beneficiary, the design time differs from one project to another.
The completion of an interior design project includes several stages. Starting from the first meeting, were we will discuss:
– What you want to get from the new design: the style of arrangement (classic, modern, minimalist, etc.), preferences, style needs, chromatics, etc.
– Establishing an estimated budget
– Establishing the contractual clauses, and concluding the contract.
Depending on this first discussion and priorities, work will begin on the project in the following steps:
– Carrying out measurements, drawing up plans for the existing situation, survey;
– Preparation of drawn documentation – arrangement plans, plans of ceilings with lighting, plans of positions of electrical installations (switches, sockets), plans of positions of sanitary installations, plans of positions of thermal installations;
– Realization of 3D simulations, realistic photomontages;
– Preparation of technical drawings – stereotomies of bathrooms, kitchens, floors, etc .;
– Recommendations and visits to suppliers;
– Custom furniture design and solutions from suppliers;
– Site monitoring;” image=”553″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”CALL US” data_content=”`{`+40`}` 742.04.11.90 | `{`+40`}` 727.602.311″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”WRITE US” data_content=”office@infinix.ro”][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”ADDRESS” data_content=”Str. Polona, nr.43, Bucuresti, Sector 1″][/wr_vc_imagecons][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row enabletitle=”st2″ theside_sec_title=”How it works”][vc_column][wr_vc_imagecons][/wr_vc_imagecons][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
A first meeting to get to know us and identify the desired style and needs. We visit the space for analysis and possible checks.
The financial offer, we set the terms for the project and sign the contract.
We compile the work requirements and propose the design theme in which we identify your wishes related to the function of the space, design style, color, materials, types of finishes and furniture. We propose a design variant supported by moodboards and furniture plans.
We detail the established design and present the project to you with updated plans, 3D and renderings.
We detail the design for the site phase with technical plans (compartmenting, furniture, specific details, materials and finishes), stereotomies and unfolded walls, dimensional sketches for the furniture that will be made to order and lists of quantities for finishes, furniture and decoration.
Depending on how you want to carry out the project execution, we make an Offer for “Supervision and management of offers” or “Implementation and execution management”.
Visits to the construction site at certain stages of the execution to check the correct implementation of the project and the management of orders for furniture and decorative objects.
Project execution and implementation management, so you don’t have to worry about the construction site. Your time is precious. We keep you updated with the progress of the site, come for visits when you want to see the implementation development, and finally enjoy the new space.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row enabletitle=”st2″ theside_sec_title=”GENERAL DESIGN: ARCHITECTURE, STRUCTURE & FACILITIES” theside_sec_number=”2″ theside_sec_dectiption=”COMPLETE INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL & HoReCa”][vc_column][wr_vc_imagecons list_info_enable=”st2″ image=”558″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”CALL US” data_content=”`{`+40`}` 742.04.11.90 | `{`+40`}` 727.602.311″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”WRITE US” data_content=”office@infinix.ro”][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”ADDRESS” data_content=”Str. Polona, nr.43, Bucuresti, Sector 1″][/wr_vc_imagecons][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
Preparation of documentation for obtaining the certificate of urbanism;
Establishing the design theme (functions, surfaces, structure, location of the investment on the land) and establishing the investment objective;
Drafting of the preliminary project (partition proposals, subdivision plans);
Drawings for DTAC project- technical documentation for construction authorization (written and drawn parts);
Preparation of the Documentation for the Approvals required in the Urban Planning Certificate;
Preparation of technical projects, 3D simulations, execution details;
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row enabletitle=”st2″ theside_sec_title=”LANDSCAPE DESIGN” theside_sec_number=”3″ theside_sec_dectiption=”LET US TRANSFORM YOUR INTERIOR DESIGN PROJECT INTO REALITY”][vc_column][wr_vc_imagecons list_info_enable=”st2″ image=”560″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”CALL” data_content=”`{`+40`}` 742.04.11.90 | `{`+40`}` 727.602.311″][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”WRITE” data_content=”office@infinix.ro”][wr_vc_imagecon data_title=”ADDRESS” data_content=”Str. Polona, nr.43, Bucuresti, Sector 1″][/wr_vc_imagecons][vc_column_text]
• Landscape design and services;
• Landscaping with natural or artificial plants;
• Interior or exterior green walls;
• Specialized consulting in floral arrangements;